Saturday, November 22, 2014

Planning Commission Public Hearing

On Dec.18, 2014 at 7 p.m. there will be a Bellingham Planning Commission public hearing held at the City Council Chambers, 210 Lottie St.

The hearing will focus on continuing to work toward the updated Bellingham City Comprehensive Plan that must be completed by June of 2016.

More specifically, the planning commission will introduce their proposed updated to the Subdivision Ordinance, title eighteen of the Bellingham Municipal Code.

Title eighteen is basically an outline of how to work with the city’s natural growth in order to avoid making it over-crowed or inefficient.

Additionally, the ordinance is there to help plan what kind of infrastructure will be built in the remaining vacant lots around the city, or if such lots should even be built on at all.

At the meeting there will be opportunity for the public to express their thoughts on the topic as well as ask any questions. Written comments that are submitted before Dec. 16 will be considered at this meeting, although comments after the meeting can still be submitted.

Comments can be submitted to Kathy Bell at the Bellingham Planning Commission by email,, or by phone at 360-778-8347.




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