Saturday, November 22, 2014

Community Garden

As the fall comes upon us, gardeners at the Lakeway Community Garden must wrap-up their planting for this season. The season for renters of these 10 feet by 20 feet plots runs from May 1 to Oct. 31.  In order to reserve your plot for next season, contact the Bellingham Parks and Recreation Office. If you already have a plot and are looking to renew your lease you’ll need to do so by Dec. 31. If you are a new-comer or want an additional or different plot, your deadline is Jan. 2.  Professor of finance at Western Washington University, Earl Benson, has been coming to the Lakeway Community Garden for 35 years, he said, while cleaning up some bulbs before planting them. Benson said that the plots are desirable in Bellingham because of the small lot sizes of most of the homes here, which don’t allow enough room for these large gardens.  Benson’s garden is made up of mostly veggies: kale, turnips, tomatoes, to name a few. Lakeway Community Garden is one of three in Bellingham, in addition there are the Happy Valley and Fairhaven Community Gardens. Happy Valley and Fairhaven operate year-round if you can’t wait until May to get some dirt under your fingernails.


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